The recent rise of consumerism has reversed the old doctrine of economics of quality over quantity, leading to an exploitation of natural and human resources that has destroyed our planet and its inhabitants with an unprecedented and irrevocable force. The problems it caused are numerous, but the main ones concerning fashion are the following:
The fashion industry currently emits more carbon than international flights and maritime shipping combined. 35% of materials in the supply chain end up in waste and luxury brands burn their clothes.
The Made in Italy label is exploited and many products that carry the etiquette are only packaged there but manufactured for a low cost in sweat shops around the world. There are many sartorial laboratories that enslave immigrants in Italy and force them to work in inhumane conditions to maximize their product. You can read more information about these issues here.
These occurrences caused for a sudden decrease in support for artisans, who are retiring without passing on their know-how. Current projections see these skills to die out, and with it the true Made in Italy tag, which will complete the ongoing process of becoming a fraudulent buzzword.
In the fashion industry, women have historically been abused and underrepresented. The main designers and C-suite roles have always been men, whilst women have been more down the line, where physical and verbal abuse is severe and widespread. Still now, more than 85% of fashion majors are female, but only 14% of the top 50 clothing brands is run by women. In Bangladesh, factory garment workers are about 80% female. In Indonesia, women employees report harassment from their male managers.
The world's beauty is comprised by different shapes, sizes and colors. However, an industry that produces clothes for everyone is culprit of a drastic misrepresentation of the human form. Fashion models are so thin that they are in the high-risk group for developing critical eating disorders.

We aim to return to an attitude of respect for the quality of work and consideration for the all-encompassing effects that our social and environmental footprints have.
Through our initiatives and by breaching the gap between the online market and the crafts of Italian artisans, we hope to help these individuals reach financial stability. We believe in empowering and inspiring artisans to help them reach their best potential. From outreach efforts to workshops, we do everything we can to help them move forward.
-to combat Fast Fashion- The circularity of our production is mirrored in the use of surplus materials and in the design with which they are put together. Most one-of-a-kind pieces can be morphed into a different style and shape: one single garment holds the potential to be transformed into various ones, yet again expanding the approach to sustainable fashion.
-to combat Deceit- We want to reclaim the renowned Made in Italy label to revolutionize it into a sustainable circular system. In doing so, we consider the narration through evidence-based examples, such as videos and pictures, to be essential. We aim at a public disclosure of the impacts and profits throughout the operations and supply chain.
-to combat Loss of Skills- By upcycling these otherwise unapproachable luxurious textiles we have a bigger margin to support this dying and under-appreciated tradition. This model is a win-win approach: the price tag is less demanding than it would originally be, whilst the textiles producers are able to repurpose their products and artisans can keep alive their traditions.
-to combat Women Exploitation- We want to support the Italian economy whilst supporting women in the fashion industry. Our team is purely made up by women and we advocate for women’s rights in the entirety of the production cycle, from the artisans to the designers to the drawers to the customers.
-to combat Dysfunctional Body Image- The fashion industry is one of the major culprit of propelling a dysmorphic, dysfunctional relationship with the self-image. Our clothes are designed to fit more than one size, for a dual intention. As the body fluctuates in weight as it is normal to be, in particular for individuals that have a menstrual cycle, the garment fluctuates with you. Additionally, one single garment fits more than one size, removing the emphasis on physical qualities.

Risa is based on several UN SDGs.