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London Fashion

Week AW 23




Another successful fashion week event comes to a close. RISA VENEZIA participated in London Fashion Week at Curated Loop’s pop-up in Soho, London from February 18th to March 4th. The launch party event was a huge success with four designers displaying, renting, and selling their collections. This event was a great way to connect with many different kinds of people and learn about emerging designers and artists; while also promoting conscious consumption and giving people a way to opt for more unique, high-quality items. RISA displayed its collection for the whole duration of the pop-up and even had an independent closing event with two singers.


Curated Loop is a sustainable, independent designer-focused retail platform. They partner with predominantly female-owned designers that have a mutual interest in sustainability and closing the loop in the fashion industry towards less waste and more circularity. Their mission is to provide brands with the opportunity to give their past collections a “new lease of life.” This enforces a circular mindset to buy less clothing and seek better quality. Renting is also a great cost-effective way to rotate your clothing with others, experiment with different styles, and limit buying new. They launched this year and are already featuring 10 different designers on their platform. Follow @curatedloop to rent or buy one-of-a-kind pieces, including RISA VENEZIA.

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